Wednesday 24 April 2013

Famous Tiaras Throughout History

The history and origin of someone or something is always very important. So important, that it sets the tone for the role it currently plays and the role it will play for years to come. When it comes to historic events, this often is determined by people and objects. This varies from maybe a war over an object or an important heirloom in a royal family that was passed down to further generations. The main factor about history is that is can never be altered. What has been, is forever written and cannot be changed... Ever. The only thing we can control is moving forward and what these historical events actually affect in the future.

Tiaras and crowns; the main components of a royal family. Also the very thing that reiterates their role in society. It is them who wears these headpieces because they hold such great power and clout. Naturally, they find themselves at the top of the social class. Also the richest of them all. The ones who dictate how things should be according to what they want and what they feel is best. The newest members who are born into a royal family actually have no control or say in their upcoming responsibilities.

Just these reasons alone are enough to realize why these accessories are so important. Especially when it comes to the famous tiaras throughout history. Besides just being an important part of history, they tell a story. The story of she who came before it's current owner and her journey. The story of what responsibility the current owner now holds since having it passed down to her as well. The expectations of her from the people beneath her. Lastly, the expectations of the younger generations that will come, after her time has passed.

Famous tiaras are considered antiques once they have become an important historical piece. This is after the royal bloodline which owned it has died out or resigned. These are usually the pieces that queens, princesses or royal heirs have owned. They are not necessarily available to just anyone, but replicas are. Some examples of famous tiaras throughout history include: The Halo Scroll Tiara (which was worn by a bride of a British Royal Family), The Cambridge Lovers Knot Tiara (which was designed in 1913 for The Queen Mary) and The Majestic Tiaras currently worn by Princess Kate Middleton.

If you have not guessed, it is nearly impossible to get into depth about every single famous tiara in history. Especially since royalty goes a long way! There has been centuries and ages of royal family heirlooms and tiara designs to make note of. What also makes these headpieces special is the fact that they are made up of precious stones and rubies, as well as real silver and gold. They also are designed according to specific instruction for the queen it is intended for. These famous tiaras throughout history play a great role in the future of royalty. In order to realize the importance of their worth, you must first research the importance of them in earlier times.